ClickFunnels vs Kit [2024] Pricing, Pros and Cons

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I’ve been making money online for over a decade. I used ConvertKit (now called Kit) daily for over 5 years, and ClickFunnels is a proven sales engine.

You can’t go wrong with either ClickFunnels or Kit. But you might find that one is better for your particular business.

I’ll help you compare ClickFunnels vs Kit based on what you need to grow your business.

Or, if you like to jump in and just try stuff yourself, it’s easy because both ClickFunnels and Kit offer a free trial.

ClickFunnels vs Kit Overview

Fun Fact: The first email was sent in 19711, and the first website was created in 1991.2  

Funner Fact: Kangaroos can't walk backward.  

Funnest Fact: Today, you can make money online doing nearly anything, including selling an ebook about Kangaroo facts that you promote through an email list and sales funnel.

Looking at ClickFunnels vs ConvertKit, let’s see what sets them apart.

Each platform has a main focus:

But wait – it’s not so simple! These platforms have a lot of overlapping features. You can even use ClickFunnels for email marketing (which is Kit’s specialty), and you can use Kit to create sales funnels (which is ClickFunnels’ specialty).

To get a better feel for each platform, I’ll break them down one by one. 

What Is ClickFunnels and How Does ClickFunnels Work?

ClickFunnels is a digital marketing platform specializing in building sales funnels. 

Here’s a ClickFunnels 2.0 tutorial video so you can see it in action:

What is a sales funnel, you ask? It’s a series of web pages that funnels users through the process of buying something online. Basically, it's a strategy for turning visitors to your website into paying customers.

Sales funnels are obviously a big part of the ClickFunnels platform – they didn’t put “funnels” in the name for nothing. But these days, ClickFunnels offers a whole lot more. 

How’s this for an impressive list of ClickFunnels features:

  • Sales funnel builder
  • Automated email marketing (hence the need for a Kit vs ClickFunnels comparison!)
  • Automated marketing workflows (hence… Nah, I just wanted to say hence again to sound smart)
  • Website / blog builder
  • Landing pages
  • Analytics and A/B testing 
  • Online course builder
  • Membership sites
  • Personalized customer centers
  • Digital checkout process
  • Branded online communities 
  • Customer relations management (CRM) tools
  • Integrations with Slack, ConvertKit, and other popular platforms

ClickFunnels isn’t something you’ll have to use alongside a million other marketing tools. ClickFunnels is designed to be an all-in-one solution. 

So is ClickFunnels like a Swiss Army Knife? I dunno. I’m not Swiss. And I’m not in the Army. Get off my back, will ya! I only talk about things I’m qualified to discuss, like internet marketing and snack foods from Aldi.

Anyway, let’s hone in on ClickFunnels email marketing – since that’s at the center of the ClickFunnels vs Kit debate.

Like pretty much anything having to do with ClickFunnels, the email marketing feature is meant to be comprehensive. You can use it for every part of the email marketing process – from composition to delivery. 

ClickFunnels gives you all the tools you need for a successful email marketing campaign. You can craft your own emails or use one of their templates. 

And to send your emails out, you’ll choose between a live broadcast or a scheduled automated email sequence. 

Along the way, ClickFunnels provides training and support. I know some of you might be intimidated by the idea of email marketing. By offering so much assistance and so many resources, ClickFunnels will have you feeling like an expert in no time. 

Let’s say you’ve decided ClickFunnels wins the ConvertKit vs ClickFunnels debate. What next?

Here’s how to get started with ClickFunnels:

The sign-up process takes less than a minute!

ClickFunnels offers tons of features, including email marketing capabilities.
ClickFunnels has a ton of digital marketing features, including an awesome email marketing tool.

What Is Kit and How Does Kit Work? 

Kit (formerly called ConvertKit) is digital marketing software focusing on email marketing. 

In fact, Kit makes my list of the best email marketing software.

I worked with a content creator to optimize his email marketing. We set up automated emails based on what a person was most interested in, by automatically tagging them in ConvertKit. This improved the Open Rate of subscribers (more people reading the emails instead of ignoring them).

With more people reading the emails, we made 

  • more sales of affiliate products
  • more sales of courses
  • more money from sponsorships

Note: ConvertKit is about to launch a major rebranding, changing its name from “ConvertKit” to “Kit.” As part of the process, they’re expected to add a Kit app store, giving you many more tools to run your business.

Check out this ConvertKit tutorial to see their features in action:

Pretty soon, the ClickFunnels vs Kit debate will involve two platforms that can handle all your digital marketing needs. 

Once the rebranding is complete, Kit will offer:

  • Email marketing 
  • A website builder
  • A polling tool
  • An app store with additional tools for Customer Relations Management (CRM) and advanced analytics

ConvertKit is already one of the best email marketing platforms. The rebrand is just a case of a good thing getting better – like installing electric seat warmers in the Batmobile so Batman’s butt doesn’t get too cold.

Didn’t think you’d read about Batman’s butt in a Kit vs ClickFunnels comparison, did ya.

Here are the top ConvertKit features:

  • An email design tool
  • Email delivery (with a 99.8% delivery rate!)
  • Visual automations (to create high-functioning email sequences)
  • Landing pages
  • A sponsor network for increased monetization
  • Recommendation Network (under-rated feature!)
A Kit testimonial from high performance coach, Dan Go.
Kit helps you grow your email subscriber list for free. You simply flip a switch, and Kit recommends your email newsletter to others who might be interested in it.

When you start a ConvertKit plan, you’ll get access to all these tools. That means you can design email templates, send emails to your followers, and quickly build your list of subscribers. 

And while ConvertKit markets itself to creators, it’s useful for anybody who wants to market their business through email. Would an email newsletter with a ton of subscribers be good for your business? Let me answer that for you – it would! That means ConvertKit would be a major asset.

To sign up, click this link to the ConvertKit website and then click “Get started free.” From there, you can start crafting emails in less than a minute!

Kit helps people (especially bloggers) create awesome email newsletters.
ConvertKit, AKA Kit, helps you design and deliver high-quality emails.

ClickFunnels vs Kit Pricing / ClickFunnels vs Kit Cost 

Both platforms in the ClickFunnels vs ConvertKit debate are reasonably priced – but with a free option and paid plans that start at just $9 per month, ConvertKit is a more budget-friendly option.

ClickFunnels Pricing

ClickFunnels gives you a 14-day free trial. Once the trial is up, it works as a subscription service. You can choose to pay on a monthly or annual basis (opting for annual payments lowers the cost).

There are two ClickFunnels plans:

  • Startup ($81 per month with annual billing). This is for one-person operations or smaller businesses. It gives up to 3 team members access to the service.
  • Pro ($248 per month with annual billing). Designed for larger businesses, this plan includes access for up to 10 team members. 
ClickFunnels has two pricing plan options.
ClickFunnels has 2 plans, the cheapest of which cost $81 per month.

If you need more money for your business to afford necessary tools like ClickFunnels, check out my resources:

Kit Pricing

Kit has a subscription pricing model – and the more subscribers you have, the more you’ll have to pay (unless you choose the free plan).

You’ll also get a discount if you opt for annual billing (instead of paying every month).

Here’s a breakdown of Kit’s three plans:

  • Newsletter (free). This might be Kit’s most basic option, but it actually comes with a lot – including the ability to segment your audience into different groups. The main limitations are that you only get 1 email sequence and you’re limited to 10,000 subscribers.
  • Creator (starts at $9 per month). This is the plan that Kit recommends for most marketers and creators. It gives you unlimited automations and sequences, which is what you need to launch a real email marketing campaign. 
  • Pro (starts at $25 per month). With access for unlimited users, this plan is meant for growing businesses.

Kit or ConvertKit, offers three different pricing plans.
Kit offers 3 different packages – including a free newsletter plan.

ClickFunnels vs Kit Pros and Cons

You can’t settle the ConvertKit vs ClickFunnels debate without considering each platform’s strengths and weaknesses. 

ClickFunnels Pros and Cons

ClickFunnels Pros

  • The sales funnel builder is designed to boost sales. This single tool could revolutionize your business’s online presence. 
  • The variety of features is astonishing. Both sides in the ConvertKit vs ClickFunnels debate offer email marketing – but ClickFunnels offers a whole lot more.
  • There are tons of templates to choose from. Whether you’re building emails, sales funnels, or landing pages, ClickFunnels can offer a design that corresponds to your business. 

ClickFunnels Cons

  • There’s no free option. The cheapest ClickFunnels plan costs $81 per month.
  • There’s a learning curve. If you’re asking, “What is a sales funnel, anyway?” then you’ve got some learning to do. But don’t worry – it’s all pretty intuitive. 
  • There’s less of a focus on email. Yes, ClickFunnels has a decent email marketing tool, but it’s not the platform’s specialty.  

Kit Pros and Cons

Kit Pros

  • They’re true email specialists. These folks know their main job is to help you send effective marketing emails. 
  • They boast a 99.8% delivery rate. That means the vast majority of emails sent with Kit end up in the recipient’s inbox (as opposed to the dreaded spam folder).
  • Gain new customers for free. With Kit’s Recommendation Network, you can opt-in to easily cross-promote with fellow creators on Kit to gain new subscribers

Kit Cons

  • There are fewer tools available. Kit might be adding features, but it’s still the less comprehensive platform in the ClickFunnels vs Kit showdown.
  • The platform is geared towards creators. If you’re more of a traditional digital entrepreneur or an e-commerce specialist, you might find the sales features lacking. 
  • It can get expensive if you have lots of subscribers. Kit’s pricing model is based on subscriber count. That makes it cheap at first – but as your subscriber list grows, your bill will get larger. 

ClickFunnels vs Kit Reviews

Both platforms in the Kit vs ClickFunnels have ratings on Trustpilot:

  • ClickFunnels – 4.2 stars (great)
  • Kit – 3.0 stars (average)

At first glance, ClickFunnels wins this portion of the ClickFunnels vs ConvertKit battle.

But there’s more to the story than just average ratings. To understand the nuances of the ClickFunnels vs Kit conversation, let’s look at individual reviews.

In a 5-star review, someone praised ClickFunnels as “the best software and entrepreneurial community ever.” (Wow – talk about enthusiasm!)

A positive ClickFunnels 2.0 customer review.
Someone calls ClickFunnels “amazing” in a 5-star review.

Another user said ClickFunnels is “a bit overpriced” but “simple and easy to use.” 

A 3-star ClickFunnels review from someone who thinks the software is too expensive.
A ClickFunnels user leaves a 3-star review, praising the platform while calling it “overpriced.”

In a rare 1-star review, someone called ClickFunnels “shockingly bad.” They had a whole list of complaints – including that the platform wasn’t accurately tracking email statistics. 

A negative ClickFunnels review from someone who thinks the platform is outdated and simply not that great.
A user slams ClickFunnels for lacking “the basic functionality that a marketing platform should have.”

Building a sales funnel is one of the most profitable online businesses. It’s one of the top business ideas for women or for anyone who wants control over their schedule.

Now, let’s look at ConvertKit, AKA Kit reviews.

One user gave ConvertKit 5 stars, saying it’s “WAY more intuitive than some other platforms.” Could ClickFunnels be one of the “other platforms” this person tried? Maybe! In any case, this review seems relevant to the ClickFunnels vs Kit discussion.  

A glowing Kit (or ConverKit) review from someone who claims it is "the most intuitive platform."
In a 5-star Kit review, a user praises the platform for being intuitive. 

Another user left a 4-star review, calling Kit a “decent company” with “helpful customer service.” 

A four-star Kit review from someone who wishes the platform had more design features.
A user praised Kit as a “decent company” where customer service responds to questions quickly.

Someone else had a worse experience with Kit’s customer service – which they called “TERRIBLE” (yikes – all caps!). Apparently, their email campaign wasn’t working properly, and nobody at the company could help. 

A negative Kit review from someone who claims the customer service was "TERRIBLE."
A Kit user slams the company’s “terrible customer service” in a 1-star review.

I mean, you should just try Kit for yourself since they have a 100% free option for email lists of up to 10,000 subscribers. So even if you’re just doing one of my favorite hobbies to make money, you’ll find that Kit is a great way how to make money online for beginners.

ClickFunnels vs Kit: Which is Better?

Neither side in the ClickFunnels vs Kit debate is straight-up better than the other, but each is best for a certain type of user.

Picture this: you’re running a complex online business. You’ve got multiple products and services that you’re selling on your website, and you want to boost sales as quickly as possible. In that case, ClickFunnels wins the ClickFunnels vs ConvertKit debate – because the sales funnels feature will be extremely valuable to you.

Now, let’s imagine you’re a creator turning expertise into profit. Your main goal from your marketing software is probably to establish and grow an email list. To be clear, both companies in the Kit vs ClickFunnels discussion can help you do this – but email is Kit’s specialty. That’s why Kit is the better choice. 

But again, the ConvertKit vs ClickFunnels battle isn’t a case of good vs bad. Both of these platforms are fantastic! And with ClickFunnels adding features and ConvertKit rebranding to Kit, they’re both getting even better.

With online marketing platforms like this, it’s a great time to be a digital entrepreneur! 

You can use Kit or ClickFunnels to start your low-cost business ideas with high profit or even a business to start with 10k, and then you learn how to turn 10k into 100k.

If you already have an audience (or know how to make money on Facebook or how to make money on Pinterest), you can use Kit or ClickFunnel as ways:

Commonly Asked Questions About ClickFunnels vs Kit

What Is The Difference Between ClickFunnels vs Kit? / Is ClickFunnels The Same as ConvertKit?

Both sides in the ClickFunnels vs Kit discussion are digital marketing platforms with many of the same features. The main difference is that ClickFunnels focuses on sales funnels while Kit focuses on email marketing.

Selling products or services through either ClickFunnels or Kit is a proven way:

Is ConvertKit a Sales Funnel?

ConvertKit doesn’t offer a specific funnel-building feature, but you can use the tools it does offer to create successful sales funnels through your landing pages and email automation. 

ConvertKit is famous for supporting content creators. So whether you want to learn how to start a pet care blog or you’re using the best blogging platform to reach your audience, ConvertKit is an excellent service for selling digital content like ebooks and memberships.

Using ConvertKit is a great way 

I also think being a content creator is one of the best ways how to make money as an attractive female and how to make money as an attractive male.

Alternatives to ClickFunnels



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