ClickFunnels vs Website [2024] Pros and Cons

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If you’re NOT willing to invest $80 dollars a month into your business, here’s your answer: go with a website.

I’ll give you tips on how to build your own sales funnel using a website.

But if you already trust ClickFunnels because you’ve seen the success others are having with it, I’d say give their free trial a shot.

Look, there are over 1.19 billion websites in the world,1 but not all of them are effective. 

ClickFunnels gives you tools to create a website that acts like a pinball machine. It sends visitors from one page to the next until they’ve done what you want them to do. 

I’ll guide you through the ClickFunnels vs Website debate to help you decide which is best for your situation.

ClickFunnels vs Website Comparison: What Is The Difference Between ClickFunnels and a Website? 

Before we dive into the ClickFunnels vs website discussion, let me explain what each option entails. That way, your “ClickFunnels or website” choice will be an informed decision.

ClickFunnels is a service that creates online “sales funnels” for your website. So, instead of a standard website, you’ll get web pages that are specifically designed to attract visitors and turn them into customers.

A standard website won’t necessarily be designed with these sales principles in mind. It will still be useful for your business. And you’ll have multiple pages where visitors can learn about your products and services. But will it guide them through a “funnel” so that they make a purchase? Only if you built that funnel yourself.

Still, there’s no single answer to the “ClickFunnels or website” question. It ultimately depends on what you want and how much you’re willing to spend. 

So, let’s make a case for each side in the ClickFunnels vs website debate.

Why Should You Use ClickFunnels?

You should use ClickFunnels because it gives you a website that’s designed to make money. 

Check out Gusten Sun is using ClickFunnels to make money:

Everyone can create a website. But not everyone can create a website that uses tried-and-tested design elements to increase sales. ClickFunnels will give you this special power.

Before making a decision in the website vs ClickFunnels debate, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I know how to create effective landing pages?
  • Have I thought carefully about the psychology of the people visiting my website?
  • Can I craft a sequence of web pages that will convince people to buy or subscribe? 
  • Do I have a sales strategy that I can build into my website?

If you answered “yes” to all of those questions, then maybe ClickFunnels isn’t necessary. But if you answered “no” to any of them, ClickFunnels is the likely winner of the ClickFunnels vs website discussion. You need help, and ClickFunnels can give it to you!

ClickFunnels creates high-converting, AKA money-making websites, thanks to the sales funnel concept. 

The idea here is simple. Picture a funnel. 

At the top, you’ve got the visitors when they first come to your website. 

At the bottom, you have the customers who end up making a purchase. 

The goal is to create a series of pages on your website that will guide them through that funnel. 

And the more people move all the way through, the more money you make.

A marketing funnel example that also looks like a delicious slice of pizza.
Your marketing funnel, AKA sales funnel, brings people into your website, shows them you can solve their problem, and then sells them the solution. 

ClickFunnels makes it easy to create these sales funnels for your business. They give you templates for each page. All you have to do is drag and drop page elements and then add your text and images. 

And here’s another thing to consider in the ClickFunnels vs website debate: ClickFunnels offers a lot more than just sales funnels.

Check out these tools that you’ll get with a ClickFunnels subscription:

  • Sales funnels creator
  • A standard website builder
  • Landing pages
  • Blog creator
  • Online course creator
  • Email marketing assistance
  • Smart checkout for an improved buyer experience
  • A/B testing (so you can see what really works)

Now, I’m a neutral judge in the website vs ClickFunnels showdown – so let me be honest about something. ClickFunnels ain’t cheap. The Startup Plan costs $97 per month (or $81 per month if you opt into annual billing). 

But for lots of businesses, the price is worth it. An effective sales funnel will probably get you an extra $97 in monthly revenue – and it could get you a whole lot more.

I know you’re the type of person who takes their business seriously. That’s why paying for a service like ClickFunnels could be a good idea.

An example of a business owner that uses ClickFunnels to track her online store sales.
ClickFunnels helps you create an online space that’s designed to boost profits. 

Why Should You Use a Website?

You should use a website because it's cheaper and more versatile than ClickFunnels. Plus, you can use your brain (and other tools) to create sales funnels of your own.

The website side of the ClickFunnels vs website debate is a little vague. Websites take many forms, and there’s no single way to build one.

You can host a site on Bluehost for $2 a month.

And here’s the best website builder.

Website builders aren’t free – but they’re not super expensive, either. We’re talking “grab a snack from the convenience store” money, not “date night at a fancy restaurant” money. For example, a basic plan with WordPress can cost as little as $2.75 a month.

So, if you’re wondering whether a website or ClickFunnels would be cheaper, the answer is a website.

As the builder of your own website, you’ll be in complete control. Remember playing with Legos as a little kid? Sure, you could follow the instructions, but you could also create whatever the heck you wanted! That’s what building your own website is like. Most site builders offer templates, but you can do what you want. 

Is that freedom good for the efficacy of your website? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s definitely fun!

I don’t want you to think that a website is always the less effective option in the ClickFunnels vs website discussion. You could create killer sales funnels within a website you’ve built yourself. 

How? Research to learn what makes a sales funnel effective, and then apply what you’ve learned with the tools the site builder gives you.

You can also buy external solutions to craft sales funnels for your website. 

Let’s say you build your site with WordPress. A company called Thrive Themes offers a collection of WordPress plugins, and you can use them to create sales funnels. 

You’ll need to do a bit of the mental work yourself, so it’s not an exact substitute for ClickFunnels – but you can still build a super effective website (and for less money than you’d spend on ClickFunnels). 

You could also use marketing software from Kartra to grow your business. Learn more by reading my Kartra vs ClickFunnels comparison. And here are my other guide to ClickFunnels alternatives:

ClickFunnels vs Website Pros and Cons

I’ve made the case for both sides in the website vs ClickFunnels debate. 

Still not sure if you’ll go with a standard website or ClickFunnels? Then, take a look at the pros and cons of each option.

ClickFunnels Pros and Cons

ClickFunnels Pros:

  • Your site will be designed to convert. Want people on your site to buy things? Sign up for a service? Subscribe to a newsletter? Your ClickFunnels site will promote those specific actions. 
  • You don’t have to be an expert. ClickFunnels has the “sales funnels” philosophy down pat, and they also give you templates. You just have to plug in the specific information.
  • There are lots of tools available. With ClickFunnels, you can create courses, offer an online store, and even run “A/B tests” to see what’s working. 

ClickFunnels Cons:

  • The plans are a bit pricey. Even the cheapest option is packed with helpful features, but it costs $81 per month. 
  • You don’t have as much flexibility. ClickFunnel sites are designed around the concept of sales funnels. That’s usually good for your bottom line, but you’ll be committed to a certain model.
  • You can’t enhance your site with plugins. Yes, ClickFunnels integrates with Slack and other software, but you don’t have as many options as you would with most website builders.

Website Pros and Cons

Website Pros:

  • You can save money. If you were to use WordPress, you could create and host a website for just $2.75 a month – making this by far the cheaper option in the ClickFunnels vs website debate.
  • You’ll have more flexibility. Your average website builder doesn’t impose a philosophy on you. There are templates and tools available, and you can do what you want with them. 
  • You can develop a strong search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. This benefit stems from the flexibility I mentioned before. With time and effort, you can master the art of creating content that ranks high on Google. 

Website Cons:

  • The technical elements are confusing. Sure, website builders aim to be user-friendly – but they’re not all successful. That’s why ClickFunnels wins the usability battle in the website vs ClickFunnels debate. 
  • You could waste a lot of time. Building a website without software like ClickFunnels is hard work. Sure, you’ll learn the ropes, but that’ll take time that you could be devoting to other parts of your business.
  • You could end up with a pointless website. Your goal is to make money, right? A website that doesn’t do that is like an oven that doesn’t get hot. 

Focus on your goal – creating a highly profitable business or one day putting your online business for sale to make millions of dollars. 

E-commerce is one of the best business ideas for women and anyone with a product that solves a problem.

ClickFunnels vs Website: Which Is Better? 

Neither option in the website vs ClickFunnels debate is inherently better than the other. It all depends on two factors: your goals and your budget.

Have money to spend as you launch your business? Then stop asking, “Clickfunnels or website?” The answer is obvious! ClickFunnels will save you time.

What if you’re short on funds?  

It still might be worth it to use ClickFunnels if you’re selling a product or service. You might be interested in my resources:

When considering a website or ClickFunnels, my advice is to consider your experience in sales and website creation. 

Do you understand the concept of a sales funnel? Have you built a website before? 

If yes, you might be able to create an effective website on your own and save money in the process.

But if you think a sales funnel is a tornado that hits a Walmart, and you don’t know a domain name from a dominatrix, it might be worth shelling out for ClickFunnels – even if it stretches your budget. 

ClickFunnels also offers a 14-day free trial, so you can see if it’s actually worth it before committing.

Examples of ClickFunnels sales funnel templates available online.
ClickFunnels gives you templates for sending customers on a step-by-step journey through your website. 

Using ClickFunnels to sell products is a proven way:

Of course, most people aren’t that successful. This is a real business that requires smart marketing and sales. It’s not a way to make money online in a lazy way.

That said, using ClickFunnels or a website to market products is one of the best low-cost business ideas with high profit, and it's a great business to start with 10k. And with it, you’ll see how to turn 10k into 100k. That’s why it’s one of the most profitable online businesses.

Commonly Asked Questions About ClickFunnels vs Website 

Alternatives to ClickFunnels / Alternatives to a Website?

Here are alternatives to using a standard website or ClickFunnels:

* These options can be used alongside a standard website.

Does ClickFunnels Replace a Website?

ClickFunnels can definitely be used to replace a standard website. In addition to the sales funnels that make the platform famous, ClickFunnels also offers blogs, landing pages, and other typical website elements. 

This makes ClickFunnels a good way how to make money on Facebook and how to make money on Pinterest.

Why Is a Funnel Better Than a Website?  

Sales funnels are specifically designed to get visitors to perform a certain action. Let’s say you want people to subscribe to a paid newsletter. A funnel provides a series of web pages with calls to action, and visitors are guided towards the newsletter's sign-up page. Ultimately, funnels (should) make more money!

Can You Build a Full Website on ClickFunnels?

Thanks to the wide range of features that ClickFunnels offers, you can use it to build a complete website. Along with the famous funnels, ClickFunnels can give you blogs, landing pages, and even online courses.

Do You Really Need ClickFunnels?

You don’t need ClickFunnels (just like you don’t need a refrigerator), but it sure helps if you want to make money online. ClickFunnels gives your business a website that’s engineered for conversions, and the drag-and-drop interface is super simple to use. 

If you’re not in business, but really doing it as more of a hobby, check out hobbies to make money. You might even start by promoting referral bonus apps to earn 20 dollars per referral.

If you’re new to generating online income, check out how to make money online for beginners.

ClickFunnels vs Website Pricing?

ClickFunnels is generally the more expensive option in the ClickFunnels or website debate. The ClickFunnels Startup plan costs $81 per month (if you opt into annual billing). You can build and maintain a website for much less.

If you want to research about building your website and email list without using ClickFunnels, see my articles:

ClickFunnels vs Website vs Sales Funnel?

ClickFunnels is the easiest way to create a sales funnel (you get awesome templates), but it’s also the pricier option. Creating sales funnels within a standard website should be cheaper, but you’d have to figure out how to do it on your own. Using Thrive Themes with your website would be the next best option to ClickFunnels.

When looking at ClickFunnels vs Website, you’re going to build a long-lasting business. If you just want fast money instead, check out my guides:



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