How To Make Money on X [2024] How To Get Paid on X 

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You see others getting paid on X. What’s their secret?

Here’s the inside scoop. I’ve seen it all.

In short, provide valuable information for free. Then, charge money for your advanced lessons. Then, recommend products that solve your followers’ problems.

But it’s not as easy as it sounds. 

Here are the smoothest ways how to make money on X

I’ve been making money online for over a decade. Don’t want to miss out on my new tips and tricks. Get my free email newsletter:

How to Make Money on X

It won’t be through X ads. You’ll be lucky to earn 2 cents per 1,000 views of your content.

I don’t care that a whopping 22% of Americans use X.1 That’s about 80 million people. Whatever. Your goal is to attract the RIGHT people.

The right people are NOT those who want to read your tweets, smile, and leave. It’s the opposite. 

You want people who feel upset about a problem. And they look to YOU to help them fix that problem.

It could be weight loss, finding love, making more money, improving at golf, relieving anxiety, breaking an addiction, getting clear skin, becoming more organized, etc.

Wondering how to make money on X? Here are your best options.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money by sharing links online. 

All you have to do is join a company’s affiliate program and then share the affiliate links (which they’ll give you) on X. 

If people click the links and buy something, you’ll get a percentage of the sale price as a commission.

For example, if you’re helping beginner investors, you might post on X about how to use financial products. I’ve written about Betterment vs Acorns to help people decide which is a better tool for them to make passive income. When my readers sign up for either service, I get paid a commission. Plus, my readers start making investment income. It’s a win-win. (And if you're interested in investment opportunities, check out my article on How to invest 5k in real estate.)

The easiest way to start is with referral bonus apps and earn 20 dollars per referral.

Will you get rich with this tactic tomorrow? No. It takes time to build an audience and make serious money. But if you can steadily increase your follower count, you’ll start getting more clicks and sales. 

extra point Extra Point: Match products to problems. The affiliate products and services you’ll sell best are those that solve the problems of your followers. When in doubt, solve problems related to health, wealth, and love. Do NOT expect to link to random products and make money. 

Here’s how to make money on X through affiliate marketing:

  1. Join affiliate marketing programs. Look for companies that sell products or services related to your niche. Applying is usually free and only takes a few minutes.
  2. Post affiliate links to X. Of course, you can’t post just the link. You also need to talk about how much you love the product. That’s why it’s a good idea to use the product yourself. Nothing beats an authentic positive review. 
  3. Grow your audience. With affiliating marketing, you get paid commissions. Those earnings will only add up if you can get lots of followers. More followers = more clicks = more sales. Simple!

For the best affiliate programs, check out my

Affiliate marketing is a legit way:

Grow Your Email List

Use X to allow people to discover you. Move your followers to your email list. Then, send your email list offers to buy products, services, courses, and more.

Look, no matter how you’re monetizing your online business, an email list is essential. 

The X algorithm WILL change. We already know most of our tweets aren’t seen by the majority of our followers. So, what’s your defense? Email.

After you post on X, reply to your own post, giving people a damn good reason to subscribe to your email list.

Usually, the dam good reason is a free giveaway like an ebook or special access to exclusive content.

Check out the best email marketing software. Most have free options and free trial periods.

Wondering how to make money on X with an email list?

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose an email marketing platform. I’d recommend ConvertKit. They’ll help you craft and send emails that people will actually read (they have an impressive 40% average open rate). 
  2. Decide how you’ll monetize your emails. Is the goal just to market your existing products? Or could you create a paid newsletter?
  3. Use X to attract new subscribers. Once someone follows you on X, it’s your job to convince them to take the next step and subscribe to your email newsletter. 
Make money on X by creating your own email newsletter with ConvertKit.
Not sure how to make money on X? Try creating an email newsletter, which is easy when you use tools like ConvertKit.

Email marketing by gaining subscribers from X is one of the best low-cost business ideas with high profit, and it’s one of the most profitable online businesses


“Hey fam, it’s me, Shaq. When I have a Shaq Snack Attack, I reach for Papa John’s pizza and a Pepsi. But oh, that hurt my muscle, so I rub it with Icy Hot that I got from Walmart that’s next to a Five Guys that I drove to in my Kia Telluride SUV covered by The General insurance. A’ight, fam. I gotta rip on Charles Barkley now… Know what doesn’t rip? My Charmin Ultra Strong toilet paper.”

Shaq is the master of sponsorships. While you likely won’t make millions of dollars for your sponsored messages on X, you could earn thousands of dollars per post. You’ll need to gain a big enough following in your niche.

Some brands have ambassador programs where they sponsor influencers to post content about their products. For smaller companies, you could reach out on your own and ask if they’d be interested in sponsoring your posts.

Here’s how to make money on X through sponsorships:

  1. Work really hard on attracting followers. Nobody’s going to pay for sponsored posts if your mom and your Uncle Leo are the only people who follow you.
  2. Find brands in your niche that have ambassador programs. Applying to these programs is the easiest way to get sponsored.
  3. Look for ways to boost engagement. The more popular you are on X, the more you can demand in payment from sponsors. 

It takes time to become an influencer on X. If you’re looking for how to make money fast, check out these articles instead:

Sell Your Products or Services 

X is more than a social network. It’s also a giant marketplace. It’s like you’re a vendor at a baseball game yelling, “Getcha peanuts here,” but the whole world can hear you!

To be clear, X isn’t a great place to host your online business. It’s set up for communication, not selling. So, you’ll want to create an online store somewhere else – either through a platform like Shopify or Clickfunnels, or on a website you make yourself with Squarespace

But once that online shop is up and running, X will be great for getting messages out and attracting new customers. And boosting your online profile could have a huge impact on your profits. Some people report making $10,000 a month with an online store!

Here are tips for how to make money on X by selling products and services:

  • Add links to your products/services in your X profile.
  • Try sending direct messages to people (to promote your products/services).
  • Create an email newsletter to go along with your marketing strategy on X. 

Learn more about selling products online with my articles:

Offer a Subscription

Want to charge people for exclusive content that you post behind a paywall? Let me tell you how to get paid on X through subscriptions.

X has a special subscription feature that makes it easy to monetize your content. 

To use this feature, you need to be 18 or older, and you need to have:

  • An “X Premium” subscription (which starts at $3 per month) 
  • A verified email address and verified identity
  • An X account that’s been active for at least 3 months
  • At least 500 followers

And what should you lock behind your paywall? Anything, really – but I’d suggest:

  • Exclusive content related to your niche
  • A special subscriber badge 
  • Exclusive digital spaces like communities or forums
  • Subscriber-only messages
  • A special tab for subscriber posts

How much can you expect to make through X subscriptions? Well, let’s do the math.

Imagine you charge your subscribers $5 a month, and you manage to get 500 subscribers. You’ll end up earning $2,500 just from this one portion of your online presence. Now that’s how to get paid on X!

As an alternative, you can push your X followers to your paid Substack or your content on Medium.

Writing online is one of my favorite hobbies to make money. And it’s a good way how to make money online for beginners.


Think everything you read on X was actually written by the person who supposedly posted it? Nope! Ghostwriting is all the rage these days – and if you’ve got a way with words, you can capitalize.

People and brands know that X is a goldmine, but they don’t have the time or the skills to take advantage. That’s why they’ll pay someone like you to write and post content on X for them.

And ghostwriters can make a boatload of money. 6 figures? Yeah – that’s doable if you’re willing to hustle.

This sounds like a great option (and it is), but where do you even start?

Here’s my quick guide for how to make money on X through ghostwriting:

  1. Build your own X following (so prospective clients know you’re a master).
  2. Reach out to people and brands that are active on X. (Aim for growing brands or up-and-coming influencers.)
  3. Write and post content that matches the person or brand’s overall strategy.

extra point Extra Point: I got a big break by ghostwriting for a content creator. And then he had me train a team of writers and edit their work. If you love writing, this is a way to get started. You can get a job ghostwriting or pick up clients.

Ad Revenue Sharing

Thanks to X’s ad revenue-sharing feature, you can make money from the advertisements that X displays in the replies to your text-based posts.

I’m NOT a big fan of this X monetization. Because you’ll make pennies. But if you look at it as a side income, sure. I’d focus on the other methods in my article.

To qualify for X Ad Revenue sharing, you need to have received at least 5 million organic impressions on your posts in the last 3 months and at least 500 followers. In other words, you need to be freakin’ popular on X!

You can make hundreds of dollars a month by posting on X – which is something you’re already doing anyway. 

Wondering exactly how to get paid on X through ad revenue sharing? Follow these steps:

  1. Subscribe to “X Premium,” which starts at $3 per month.
  2. Join the ad revenue sharing program through the “Monetization” tab in the X app. 
  3. Create an account with the payment processor Stripe (that’s how X will pay you).
  4. Receive regular payments (as long as you have $10 in your balance).

Amplify Pre-Roll

If you’re a video content creator, X Amplify Pre-Roll could be your answer to the question of how to get paid on X.

Amplify Pre-Roll is an X program that helps you monetize the videos you post on the platform. You know those ads that appear before videos? They’re called pre-roll videos, and they’re real money-makers.

When you sign up for Amplify Pre-Roll, X finds the perfect ads to play before your videos. And when those ads produce customers, you’ll get a share of the profits. 

Annoyingly, X doesn’t publish exactly how much they pay video publishers  – but the thing about X is that videos can go viral. 

Let's say you produce an incredible video, and it gets millions and millions of views. All of a sudden, those pre-roll ads will pay you real money.

Interested in joining Amplify Pre-Roll? Make sure you meet these criteria:

  • Your X account is verified and in good standing
  • You’re actively publishing videos on X
  • Most of the videos you publish are native to X (in other words, hosted on X, not hosted on YouTube, etc.)
  • You publish safe content (no sex, profanity, hate speech, violence, or your controversial hot takes about how __).
  • Your videos are of premium production quality.

Producing videos for X is one of the best ways how to make money as an attractive female and how to make money as an attractive male

If you have editing skills, check out how to make money as a video editor

Enable The Tips Feature

X has a special feature that makes it easy for your fans or followers to send you tips. 

Think of this as side income. It’s unlikely you’ll make a lot of money from X from tips. If you want to make good money from tips, be a server at a high-end restaurant or check out how to make money on OnlyFans, how to make money on OnlyFans as a couple, or how to make money on OnlyFans as a guy.

Here’s how to make money on X through tips:

  1. Set up an account with a 3rd-party service (like Venmo or CashApp) for receiving tips.
  2. Enable the tips feature in the “Edit Profile” tab within the X app.
  3. Add your 3rd-party payment service to your X profile. 

You can’t control how much people send you in tips, but here’s an obvious rule of thumb: The more value you provide to your audience, the more they’re likely to repay you!

Host Ticketed Spaces – No Longer Available

*Note: X Ticketed Spaces is not currently available. Instead, you can try the best webinar service. Or use Thinkific to host live teaching events.

Imagine tapping your glass – ding, ding, ding – and all of a sudden, your X followers tune in to hear what you have to say. Oh, and they also pay you for it. 

That’s basically how X Ticketed Spaces works.

Ticketed Spaces is an X feature that lets you host audio events on the platform. You can schedule an event, promote it through a series of posts, and charge $1 – $999 for tickets. It’s a great way to monetize your popularity with your followers. 

You can also choose the size of the event. Want it to be a speech or a lecture? Then, let 100 people in. Prefer a more intimate conversation? Then, invite just a few followers to participate.

It’s easy to see how this could make you serious money. Let’s say you host a space with 50 people, and they each pay $25 for the ticket. You just made yourself an easy $1,250!

Ready to cash in with virtual talks and lectures? Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Monetization” tab within the X app.
  2. Select “Ticket Spaces.”
  3. Set the ticket price and the event time/date.
One way to make money on X is by offering Ticketed Spaces to your followers.
The “Ticketed Spaces” feature on X lets you charge your followers to attend audio events. 

Commonly Asked Questions About How To Make Money on X 

How Much Does X Pay For Views?

X creators earn less between 1 and 2 cents per thousand impressions. Horrible. There’s a better way.

You can sign up for X’s ad revenue sharing program if your posts have received at least 5 million organic impressions in the past 3 months.

I’ve been making money online for over a decade. For better ways to make money on X, get my free email newsletter:

How Much Can You Earn on X?

You can earn thousands of dollars per month on X if you attract a large following. Or, you can have a smaller audience, but it’s people who are excited to buy the products you promote.

Earn money on X with ad revenue sharing, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, paid subscriptions, and more.

Can You Make Money on X? / Can You Make Good Money on X? 

Yes. You can make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The key is to sell products and services. Or upsell your audience to paid content. 

How to Make Money on X (on Twitter)?

Step 1 – Grow your following on X by creating compelling content on a topic

Step 2 – Sell them a product you made yourself or a product from another company. This can be a course, membership, book, paid newsletter, physical products, and so on.



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